Component of SkillsUSA Framework Tabel
Name of Activity | Component of SkillsUSA Framework | Schedule | Audience |
1. Resume Clinic | Help develop Technical Skills | From 1st to 5th week of the term | Current students & Alumni |
2. Mock Interview / Video Interview | Help develop Personal & Technical Skills | From 5th to 9th week of the term | Current students & Alumni |
3. Job Search / Application | Help develop Personal & Technical Skills | From 5th to 9th week of the term | Current students & Alumni |
4. Job Fair | Develop Personal & Workplace Skills | 10th week of the term | Current students & Alumni |
5. Guest Speakers (PAC Members & Industry Experts) | Help develop Workplace Skills | Twice a term. To be announced | Current students & Alumni |
6. Visit to a local business | Help develop Workplace Skills | During the 8th week | Current students & Alumni |