College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams Minimum Passing score is 50.
CLEP Exam WUST Equivalent Maximum Credits Awarded
American Literature LIT101 World Literature 4.5 quarter credits
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature LIT101 World Literature 4.5 quarter credits
Calculus MAT102 Calculus 4.5 quarter credits
College Algebra MAT101 Algebra 4.5 quarter credits
College Composition Modular ENG102 Critical Writing 4.5 quarter credits
College Composition ENG101 English Composition 9 quarter credits*
English Literature LIT101 World Literature 9 quarter credits*
Financial Accounting BUS313 Financial Management 4.5 quarter credits
Information Systems IT201 Introduction to Information Systems 4.5 quarter credits
Introductory Psychology PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 4.5 quarter credits
Introductory Sociology SOC101 Introduction to Sociology 4.5 quarter credits
Natural Sciences PHS101 Introduction to Physical Science 4.5 quarter credits
Precalculus MAT101 Algebra 4.5 quarter credits
Principles of Macroeconomics BUS302 Macroeconomics 4.5 quarter credits
Principles of Management BUS210 Principles of Management 4.5 quarter credits
Principles of Marketing BUS215 Principles of Marketing 4.5 quarter credits
Principles of Microeconomics BUS301 Microeconomics 4.5 quarter credits
Western Civilization I HIS101 World History 4.5 quarter credits
Western Civilization II HIS101 World History 4.5 quarter credits
*Students will be awarded 4.5 quarter credits if there is only one (1) WUST equivalent course available in our Course Catalog, as determined by WUST academic departments.