Are Student Loans Available To International Students In The US?
Who is eligible for a foreign student loan?
You can be qualified for an international student loan if you don't reside in the United States but intend to attend a U.S. institution or university. International students only have access to these specialized private education loans while they are studying in the United States. They can assist with covering the costs of your college's tuition, books, fees, insurance, and room and board.
You must be admitted to a college or institution before applying for an international student loan. Your student visa and verification of enrollment at a U.S. college or university will typically be requested by lenders. A co-signer is often required as well.
After deducting any financial aid from your school, scholarships, or grants, you may borrow up to the full cost of your education. Contact the financial assistance department of the college or university you intend to attend to obtain this number. The school must validate the amount before you may apply for a loan.